Tip # 3 From the Single Mom’s Guide to Health Insurance- Look at your income and cash flow situation.
There are two basic types of plans.
Traditional plans, which often have low copayments for regular visits, and High Deductible health plans.
Traditional plans are what many people used before healthcare reform. They had copayments
(a small amount due at the time of service) for regular Dr. visits and medications. They have
a deductible and coinsurance for unusual things like MRI’s, CT Scans, and hospital visits.
These plans tend to be more expensive every month, but generally require a smaller portion
to be paid by you when a claim happens.
High Deductible health plans are paired with a tax-protected savings account called a Health
Savings Account or HSA. These plans require that your deductible come first unless it is a
preventive service.
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