Many industries or small sized employer groups utilize a mini-medical plan, such as restaurants, hotels, maid services, catering services, etc. These limited benefit plans pay for covered services at an affordable premium for both the employees and the employers. But keep in mind, they cost less, so they cover less, and most likely will not protect you from a bankruptcy situation for any catastrophic medical care.
Mini-medical plans provide a basic level of coverage for people who do not have access to a major medical plan or traditional coverage.
Some large employers have a class of employees who are ineligible for their companies traditional health insurance plan for a variety of reasons. For instance, they may be only seasonal or part-time employees. Being able to offer them a mini-medical plan helps to boast employee moral and increases retention.
Mini-medical plans are not meant to replace major medical plans, but to fill a specific niche and provide some medical coverage for those who may not qualify otherwise.