Ark Founder and CEO Rebecca Yates Advocates at the Capitol for All Copays Count Coalition
Last Friday, January 20th, Ark Founder and CEO Rebecca Yates met with lawmakers and concerned Utah parents at the Utah State Capitol to address the affordability of life-saving medications for chronically ill patients. At issue is the rising use of copay accumulator adjustment policies by insurance companies, which results in co-pay assistance provided by non-profits and pharmaceutical companies not counting towards a patient’s deductible or out-of-pocket-maximum. This leads to skyrocketing medical bills, and in some cases, patients not being able to afford needed medication.
Along with the Utah All Copays Count Coalition, Yates met with Sen. Curt Bramble, R-Provo, who will sponsor a bill this session eliminating copay assistance adjustment policies. Read more here.
Once the bill has been assigned a number, we encourage all concerned Utahns to voice support for it. More details coming soon…