Tips For A Safe And Healthy Summer
Summer time means fun in the sun, playing outdoors and outdoor recreation. There are few simple ways to keep our bodies healthy while enjoying the good weather.
Here are few tip to stay safe and healthy summer.
- Stay Hydrated- drink water. Water is important to good health. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help you stay hydrated in the summer heat. If you are active, up your intake.
- Wear Sunscreen- wearing at least a SPF 30 will help protect you from UV damage. Even if you are only going to be in the sun for a few minutes, lather it on.
- Stay cool- wear appropriate clothing and that is cool and light. Protect your eyes with sunglasses and if possible, wear a brimmed hat.
- Be fit, stay active-regular exercise contributes a healthy lifestyle overall. Being active in the early mornings or evenings will assist in not getting overheated. Wear a helmet when biking, riding a scooter, skateboarding etc.