Have You Received A Notice That You Will Be Losing Medicaid?
If you were eligible for and enrolled in Medicaid as part of the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” (FFCRA), you may soon receive–or have already received– notification of a discontinuation of coverage. Ark Insurance is here to help you understand those changes and make sure that you and your family will continue to receive healthcare coverage.
Congress passed legislation during the COVID-19 pandemic to guarantee that people would have access to health insurance and other benefits while the nation was in a state of public health emergency (PHE). This provided continuous coverage for those enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid, even if their eligibility changed. Continuous Medicaid coverage will end on March 31, 2023, and individuals who have received Medicaid coverage will go through state-run procedures to reevaluate their eligibility. It is known as “Medicaid Unwinding” to describe this procedure. Who is affected by the upcoming “Medicaid Unwinding”? It is anticipated that 15 million people will lose their Medicaid coverage as states continue to review the eligibility of Medicaid members, including about 8 million who are deemed ineligible and about 7 million due to administrative churn. Approximately 2.7 million of these people will be eligible for employer-sponsored health plans.
If you’ve received a notice that your Medicaid coverage will be discontinued, be sure to reach out to Ark Insurance Solutions right away. At Ark Insurance Solutions, we’ll help you find affordable health insurance plans to make sure you stay covered.